Thursday, February 11, 2010

Such a bad blogger......

I am still trying to figure this blogging thing out. I feel like I am so busy with being a full-time working mommy. I promise to start keeping this thing updated more often. I think I am going to start making this a food blog as well. I LOVE cooking and baking new things and I think it would be fun to blog and share to people who read this blog. So, hopefully when i get our new awesome camera figured out I will start posting yummy picture detailed recipes.

Anyways, I am staying home today because of the weather so I will post some new pictures as soon as i can get off my lazy rear and get on Jared's computer. That's where all the "good" pictures of our handsome little booger are.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Lulu- I am so sad. I can't see your blog with the adorable background. SO Sad!
