Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy 3 Months, Baby!

This post is a little old but it is very blog worthy. Jackson is now 3 months old. Man, how time flies. It is a bittersweet feeling. I love that he is developeing and getting bigger by the minute, but it is alos sad knowing that my days of holding and cuddling him without him squirming are slowly coming to an end. I have been warned by friends that by the time they are 8 months they no longer want to be held all the time. So sad! I love to hold him and know that he is so dependent on me and Jared. We love our little guy so much. It is amazing how you never know how deepley you can love someone until you have a child. I know people say that all the time, but it is so true. Here are his stats:

Food: Breastmilk and formula : (

Clothes: 3-6 mos

Teeth: none, but I think they are on their way.

Hair: BLONDE and finally getter longer and thicker. So cute!

Sleeping: 7:00pm-6:30am(Weekdays) & 7:00pm-7:30am(Weekends) through the night since 7 weeks. So proud!

Sounds: LOTS of cooing, laughing, and squealing.

Likes: He likes to be held, read to, rocked, and talked to.

Toys: Right now he really like his teether lion.

Just thought y'all would like to know what he ahs been up to lately. I know this update post will be much longer come his 6 month birthday.

We love you Jackson!!!!

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